ECMP 486: Research in VLSI Systems
Notes on Paper by Robert Walker
Some parts of this paper photocopied too dark
to read. Here is what those parts say:
On front page:
Scheduling -- a central task in high-level synthesis --
involves determining the execution order of operations
in a behavioral description. After introducing the
scheduling problem, this tutorial describes four
scheduling algorithms commonly used to solve it.
Figure 4:
for each operation oi
if oi has no immediate predecessors
cstep(oi) = 1;
/* cstep (oi) indicates control step
into which operation oi is scheduled */
cstep(oi) = maximum cstep of any of oi's
immediate predecessors
Figure 5:
current-cstep = 0
while there are unscheduled operations
current-cstep = current-cstep + 1
place data-ready operations into the ready list,
evaluate the priority of each operation,
and sort the ready list in order of priority.
while there are data-ready operations in the
ready list that meet the resource constraints
Choose the highest priority data-ready operation oi
from the ready list
cstp(oi) = current-cstep
Figure 6:
construct an ASAP and an ALAP schedule,
determine the schedule length, and
compute the schedule interval of each operation.
construct a histogram for each operation type k.
while there are unscheduled operations
delta (Cbest) = infinity
for each operation oi
for each cstep sj in Si
compute increase in cost delta(Cij) if
operation oi is scheduled into cstep sj
if delta(Cij) < delta(Cbest)
delta(Cbest) = delta(Cij)
bestop = i; beststep = j;
cstep (bestop) = beststep
update histograms
Joan Carletta,