5.8.2 SPICE2 or PSpice JFET Model Parameters

The SPICE dc model32,33 uses a further simplification of the expression for IDsat given in Eq. (5.125). First, VT=Vbi-Vp from Eq. (5.106) is used to eliminate Vbi in Eq. (5.125):

I_{D_{sat}}=\frac{G_oV_p}{3}\left[ 1-\frac{3(V_p+V_T-V_{GS})}{V_p}+2\left(\frac{
\end{displaymath} (5.128)

The $2(\ldots)^{3/2}$ term may be written as 2[1-(VGS-VT)/Vp]3/2 and expanded in a three term binomial series to give

\end{displaymath} (5.129)

Equation (5.128) now becomes
IDsat = $\displaystyle \frac{G_oV_p}{3}\left[1-3+3\left(\frac{V_{GS}-V_T}{V_p}\right)
+2-3\left(\frac{V_{GS}-V_T}{V_p}\right) \right .$  
    $\displaystyle \left . +\frac{3}{4}\left(\frac{V_{GS}-V_T}{V_p}\right)^2\right]
.$ (5.130)

Cancellation of common terms gives

\end{displaymath} (5.131)

Previously Go was given in Eq. (5.113) as $q\mu_n n(W/L)a$, and Vp was given in Eq. (5.104) as $qna^2/2\epsilon_{Si}$. Then,

\frac{G_o}{4V_p}=\frac{q\mu_n n}{4}\frac{W}{L}a\frac{2\epsilon_{Si}}{qna^2}=
\end{displaymath} (5.132)


\fbox{$\beta \equiv {\displaystyle {\mu_n \over\displaystyle 2a}}
{\displaystyle W\over\displaystyle L}\epsilon_{Si} $ } ~.
\end{displaymath} (5.133)

Equations (5.131) and (5.133) may be combined to give

\fbox{$I_{D_{sat}} = \beta(V_{GS}-V_T)^2$ } ~.
\end{displaymath} (5.134)

Equation (5.134) is a commonly used approximation for the JFET.

In the saturation region, the depletion region near the drain will increase as VDS exceeds VDsat. This maximum in the depletion depth [see Fig. 5.28 (b)] will move toward the source and effectively shortens the channel length L much like the Early voltage effects in bipolar junction transistors. This effect is called channel length modulation and is represented by the parameter $\lambda $. The SPICE representation becomes

I_{D_{sat}} = \beta (V_{GS}-V_T)^2(1+\lambda V_{DS}),
\end{displaymath} (5.135)

where $\lambda$ is related to the output conductance given by

g_d \equiv \left . \frac{\partial I_D}{\partial V_{DS}}\right\vert _{V_{DS}}.
\end{displaymath} (5.136)

Table 5.3. SPICE2 or PSpice JFET Model Parameters
Text SPICE Default
No. Symbol Keyword Parameter Name Value Units
1 VT VTO threshold voltage -2 V
2 $\beta$ BETA transconductance parameter 10-4 A/V2
3 $\lambda$ LAMBDA channel-length modulation 0 V-1
4 RD RD drain ohmic resistance 0 $\Omega$
5 RS RS source ohmic resistance 0 $\Omega$
hline 6 CGS CGS zero-bias gate-source capacitance 0 F
7 CGD CGD zero-bias gate-drain capacitance 0 F
8 Vbi PB gate built-in potential 1 V
9 Is IS gate saturation current 10-14 A
10 FC FC coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance 0.5
11 kf KF flicker-noise coefficient 0
12 $\alpha_f$ AF flicker-noise exponent 1

The SPICE2 or PSpice parameters for the JFET are given in Table 5.3 and have been described by Massobrio and Antognetti.33 The optional parameters (PAR1, PAR2,$\cdots$) are represented by the SPICE2 Keywords. For example, if no value is given for the threshold voltage, the default value of -2 V will be used. It should be noted that VT, as given by Eq. (5.107), is related to the pinchoff voltage Vp which depends on the carrier concentration and thickness a of the conducting layer. The next parameter is BETA which was given in Eq. (5.133) and contains the gate width W and length L. LAMBDA, the channel-length modulation parameter, was introduced in Eq. (5.135).

The source and drain resistances, RS and RD, represent the IR drop between the source and drain contacts and the conducting channel. These resistances cause the experimentally measured gm to be less than the actual channel transconductance.34 The gate-source capacitance and gate-drain capacitances, CGS and CGD, are either experimentally determined or estimated as described in Ref. 35. The built-in potential PB for the p-n junction gate was given in Eq. (4.60) and the p-n junction gate saturation current IS is the diffusion saturation current given in Eqs. (4.115) and (4.116). The coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance FC is the same as for the p-n junction SPICE parameters in Table 5.1. The noise parameters are also the same as for the p-n junction in Table 5.1. In circuit applications, the manufacturer would be expected to provide $V_T,~\beta$, and IS for a particular fabrication process. The SPICE large-signal model equivalent circuit for the n-channel JFET is shown in Fig. 5.32.

Figure 5.32: SPICE2 large-signal model equivalent circuit for the n-channel JFET ( Ref. 35).

The two diodes represented in the equivalent circuit by IGS and IDS are given by36

\end{displaymath} (5.137)


\end{displaymath} (5.138)

A small conductance, GMIN=10-12 mho, is connected in parallel with IGS and IDS as VGSGMIN and VDSGMIN to aid in convergence. The capacitances CGS and CGD are represented by35

C_{GS}=C_{GS}(0)(1-V_{GS}/V_{bi})^{-m}~{\rm for}~V_{GS}<{\tt FC}\times V_{bi},
\end{displaymath} (5.139)


C_{GS}=[C_{GS}(0)]/{\tt F}_2({\tt F}_3+mV_{GS}/V_{bi})~{\rm for}~V_{GS}\geq
{\tt FC}\times V_{vi}.
\end{displaymath} (5.140)

The parameters F2 and F3 are given as35

{\tt F}_2=(1-{\tt FC})^{1+m},
\end{displaymath} (5.141)


{\tt F}_3=1-{\tt FC}(1+m).
\end{displaymath} (5.142)

In SPICE2 or PSpice, the grading parameter m is 0.5 and cannot be varied.

5.8.3 Additional PSpice JFET Model Parameters

The additional optional parameters given in PSpice are listed in Table 5.4.32,37 Parameters no. 13 - 16 are the same as for the p-n junction given in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. Parameters no. 17 and 18 are for the impact ionization (avalanche) current for 0,(VGS-VT)<VDS in the saturation region which is given as38

I_i=I_{DS}\times {\tt ALPHA}\times[V_{DS}-(V_{GS}-V_T)]\times
\exp\{{\tt VK}/[V_{DS}-(V_{GS}-V_T)]\}.
\end{displaymath} (5.143)

Parameter no. 20 gives the temperature dependence of the threshold voltage as

{\tt VTO}(T)={\tt VTO}+{\tt VTOTC}(T-300).
\end{displaymath} (5.144)

The temperature dependence of $\beta$ is given as

{\tt BETA}={\tt BETA}\times 1.01^{{\tt BETACE}(T-300)}.
\end{displaymath} (5.145)

The temperature dependence of IS, ISR, PB, CGS and CGB are the same as for the p-n junction.

Table 5.4. Additional PSpice JFET Model Parameters
Text SPICE Default
No. Symbol Keyword Parameter Name Value Units
13 n N ideality factor 1.0 --
14 -- XTI saturation current temperature exponent 3.0 --
15 Isscr or Issr ISR space-charge recombination or surface-recombination saturation current 0 A
16 n NR ideality factor 2.0 --
17 -- ALPHA ionization coefficient 0 V-1
18 -- VK ionization ``knee'' voltage'' 0 V
19 m M gate p-n junction grading coefficient 0.5 --
20 -- VTOTC VTO temperature coefficient 0 V/$^\circ$C -1
21 -- BETATCE $\beta$ exponential temperature coefficient 0 $\%/^\circ$C

See also for more information

Craig Casey, Jr.