FIRST, you need to setup the paths and enviroment variables. In your home directory (cd ~), you need to create a "start_synop_xilinx" script which you can "source". You need to add the following information:
setenv SYNOPSYS /local/apps4/synopsys setenv ACROBAT /local/apps4/acrobat setenv XILINX /local/apps4/xilinx setenv XACT /local/apps4/xilinx/xact/data:/local/apps4/xilinx/xact alias synop_iview '$SYNOPSYS/worldview/bin/iview' set path= ( $path $SYNOPSYS/worldview/bin) set path= ( $path $SYNOPSYS/sos/bin) set path= ( $path $SYNOPSYS/sparc/syn/bin) set path= ( $path $ACROBAT/`uname`/bin) set path= ( $path $XILINX/xact/bin/sparc) source $SYNOPSYS/admin/install/sim/bin/environ.cshOnce this is done, you need to "source start_synop_xilinx" to get the new path variables active.
The ".synopsys_dc.setup" file needs to be edited (created...) before SYNOPSYS and XILINX can be used together. You need to change the following:
search_path = { . /local/apps4/xilinx/xact/synopsys/libraries/syn /local/apps4/synopsys/libraries/syn } define_design_lib WORK -path ./WORK compile_fix_multiple_port_nets = true xlnx_hier_blknm = 1 xnfout_library_version = "2.0.0" bus_naming_style = "%s<%d>" bus_dimension_separator_style = "><" bus_inference_style = "%s<%d>"
To get help in running XILINX just type "acroread &" from an X-windows window and the on-line document reader will appear. The documentation can be found in one of two areas:
"/local/apps4/xilinx/xact/online/online/START_HERE.pdf" for the XILINX documentation TOP page on using the XILINX tools.
"/local/apps4/xilinx/xact/online/onlindb/START_HERE.pdf" for the XILINX documentation TOP page for the XILINX chips.