SPICE 3 User's Manual - Appendix B



The following tables summarize the parameters available on each of the devices and models in (note that for some systems with limited memory, output parameters are not available). There are several tables for each type of dev-ice supported by . Input parameters to instances and models are parameters that can occur on an instance or model definition line in the form "keyword=value" where "keyword" is the parameter name as given in the tables. Default input parameters (such as the resistance of a resistor or the capacitance of a capacitor) obviously do not need the keyword specified.

Output parameters are those additional parameters which are available for many types of instances for the output of operating point and debugging information. These parameters are specified as "@device[keyword]" and are available for the most recent point computed or, if specified in a ".save" statement, for an entire simulation as a normal output vector. Thus, to monitor the gate-to-source capacitance of a MOSFET, a command

         save @m1[cgs]
given before a transient simulation causes the specified capacitance value to be saved at each timepoint, and a subsequent command such as
         plot @m1[cgs]
produces the desired plot. (Note that the show command does not use this format).

Some variables are listed as both input and output, and their output simply returns the previously input value, or the default value after the simulation has been run. Some parameter are input only because the output system can not handle variables of the given type yet, or the need for them as output variables has not been apparent. Many such input variables are available as output variables in a different format, such as the initial condition vectors that can be retrieved as individual initial condition values. Finally, internally derived values are output only and are provided for debugging and operating point output purposes.

Please note that these tables do not provide the detailed information available about the parameters provided in the section on each device and model, but are provided as a quick reference guide.

B.1 URC: Uniform R.C. line

|          URC - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| l                 Length of transmission line             |
| n                 Number of lumps                         |
|          URC - instance parameters (output-only)          |
| pos_node          Positive node of URC                    |
| neg_node          Negative node of URC                    |
| gnd               Ground node of URC                      |
|            URC - model parameters (input-only)            |
| urc               Uniform R.C. line model                 |

|           URC - model parameters (input-output)           |
| k                 Propagation constant                    |
| fmax              Maximum frequency of interest           |
| rperl             Resistance per unit length              |
| cperl             Capacitance per unit length             |
| isperl            Saturation current per length           |
| rsperl            Diode resistance per length             |

B.2 ASRC: Arbitrary Source

|          ASRC - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| i                 Current source                          |
| v                 Voltage source                          |
|          ASRC - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| i                 Current through source                  |
| v                 Voltage across source                   |
| pos_node          Positive Node                           |
| neg_node          Negative Node                           |

B.3 BJT: Bipolar Junction Transistor

|           BJT - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| ic                Initial condition vector                |
|          BJT - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| off               Device initially off                    |
| icvbe             Initial B-E voltage                     |
| icvce             Initial C-E voltage                     |
| area              Area factor                             |
| temp              instance temperature                    |
|          BJT - instance parameters (output-only)          |
| colnode           Number of collector node                |
| basenode          Number of base node                     |
| emitnode          Number of emitter node                  |
| substnode         Number of substrate node                |
| colprimenode      Internal collector node                 |
| baseprimenode     Internal base node                      |
| emitprimenode     Internal emitter node                   |
| ic                Current at collector node               |
  ib                Current at base node
| ie                Emitter current                         |
| is                Substrate current                       |
| vbe               B-E voltage                             |
| vbc               B-C voltage                             |
| gm                Small signal transconductance           |
| gpi               Small signal input conductance - pi     |
| gmu               Small signal conductance - mu           |
| gx                Conductance from base to internal base  |
| go                Small signal output conductance         |
| geqcb             d(Ibe)/d(Vbc)                           |
| gccs              Internal C-S cap. equiv. cond.          |
| geqbx             Internal C-B-base cap. equiv. cond.     |
| cpi               Internal base to emitter capactance     |
| cmu               Internal base to collector capactiance  |
| cbx               Base to collector capacitance           |
| ccs               Collector to substrate capacitance      |
| cqbe              Cap. due to charge storage in B-E jct.  |
| cqbc              Cap. due to charge storage in B-C jct.  |
| cqcs              Cap. due to charge storage in C-S jct.  |
| cqbx              Cap. due to charge storage in B-X jct.  |
|                         continued                |
|     BJT - instance output-only parameters - continued
| cexbc             Total Capacitance in B-X junction       |
| qbe               Charge storage B-E junction             |
| qbc               Charge storage B-C junction             |
| qcs               Charge storage C-S junction             |
| qbx               Charge storage B-X junction             |
| p                 Power dissipation                       |
|           BJT - model parameters (input-output)           |
| npn               NPN type device                         |
| pnp               PNP type device                         |
| is                Saturation Current                      |
| bf                Ideal forward beta                      |
| nf                Forward emission coefficient            |
| vaf               Forward Early voltage                   |
| va                (null)                                  |
| ikf               Forward beta roll-off corner current    |
| ik                (null)                                  |
| ise               B-E leakage saturation current          |
| ne                B-E leakage emission coefficient        |
| br                Ideal reverse beta                      |
| nr                Reverse emission coefficient            |
| var               Reverse Early voltage                   |
| vb                (null)                                  |
| ikr               reverse beta roll-off corner current    |
| isc               B-C leakage saturation current          |
| nc                B-C leakage emission coefficient        |
| rb                Zero bias base resistance               |
| irb               Current for base resistance=(rb+rbm)/2  |
| rbm               Minimum base resistance                 |
| re                Emitter resistance                      |
| rc                Collector resistance                    |
| cje               Zero bias B-E depletion capacitance     |
| vje               B-E built in potential                  |
| pe                (null)                                  |
| mje               B-E junction grading coefficient        |
| me                (null)                                  |
| tf                Ideal forward transit time              |
| xtf               Coefficient for bias dependence of TF   |
| vtf               Voltage giving VBC dependence of TF     |
| itf               High current dependence of TF           |
| ptf               Excess phase                            |
| cjc               Zero bias B-C depletion capacitance     |
| vjc               B-C built in potential                  |
|                         continued                |
|      BJT - model input-output parameters - continued
| pc                (null)                                  |
| mjc               B-C junction grading coefficient        |
| mc                (null)                                  |
| xcjc              Fraction of B-C cap to internal base    |
| tr                Ideal reverse transit time              |
| cjs               Zero bias C-S capacitance               |
| ccs               Zero bias C-S capacitance               |
| vjs               Substrate junction built in potential   |
| ps                (null)                                  |
| mjs               Substrate junction grading coefficient  |
| ms                (null)                                  |
| xtb               Forward and reverse beta temp. exp.     |
| eg                Energy gap for IS temp. dependency      |
| xti               Temp. exponent for IS                   |
| fc                Forward bias junction fit parameter     |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
| kf                Flicker Noise Coefficient               |
| af                Flicker Noise Exponent                  |

|            BJT - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              NPN or PNP                              |
| invearlyvoltf     Inverse early voltage:forward           |
| invearlyvoltr     Inverse early voltage:reverse           |
| invrollofff       Inverse roll off - forward              |
| invrolloffr       Inverse roll off - reverse              |
| collectorconduct  Collector conductance                   |
| emitterconduct    Emitter conductance                     |
| transtimevbcfact  Transit time VBC factor                 |
| excessphasefactor Excess phase fact.                      |

B.4 BSIM1: Berkeley Short Channel IGFET Model

|          BSIM1 - instance parameters (input-only)         |
| ic                Vector of DS,GS,BS initial voltages     |
|         BSIM1 - instance parameters (input-output)        |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Number of squares in drain              |
| nrs               Number of squares in source             |
| off               Device is initially off                 |
| vds               Initial D-S voltage                     |
| vgs               Initial G-S voltage                     |
| vbs               Initial B-S voltage                     |
|           BSIM1 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              Flag to indicate NMOS                   |
| pmos              Flag to indicate PMOS                   |
|          BSIM1 - model parameters (input-output)          |
| vfb               Flat band voltage                       |
  lvfb              Length dependence of vfb
| wvfb              Width dependence of vfb                 |
| phi               Strong inversion surface potential      |
| lphi              Length dependence of phi                |
| wphi              Width dependence of phi                 |
| k1                Bulk effect coefficient 1               |
| lk1               Length dependence of k1                 |
| wk1               Width dependence of k1                  |
| k2                Bulk effect coefficient 2               |
| lk2               Length dependence of k2                 |
| wk2               Width dependence of k2                  |
| eta               VDS dependence of threshold voltage     |
| leta              Length dependence of eta                |
| weta              Width dependence of eta                 |
| x2e               VBS dependence of eta                   |
| lx2e              Length dependence of x2e                |
|                         continued                |
|          BSIM1 - model input-output parameters - continued|
|wx2e           Width dependence of x2e                              |
|x3e            VDS dependence of eta                                |
|lx3e           Length dependence of x3e                             |
|wx3e           Width dependence of x3e                              |
|dl             Channel length reduction in um                       |
|dw             Channel width reduction in um                        |
|muz            Zero field mobility at VDS=0 VGS=VTH                 |
|x2mz           VBS dependence of muz                                |
|lx2mz          Length dependence of x2mz                            |
|wx2mz          Width dependence of x2mz                             |
 mus            Mobility at VDS=VDD VGS=VTH, channel length modulation
|lmus           Length dependence of mus                             |
|wmus           Width dependence of mus                              |
|x2ms           VBS dependence of mus                                |
|lx2ms          Length dependence of x2ms                            |
|wx2ms          Width dependence of x2ms                             |
|x3ms           VDS dependence of mus                                |
|lx3ms          Length dependence of x3ms                            |
|wx3ms          Width dependence of x3ms                             |
|u0             VGS dependence of mobility                           |
|lu0            Length dependence of u0                              |
|wu0            Width dependence of u0                               |
|x2u0           VBS dependence of u0                                 |
|lx2u0          Length dependence of x2u0                            |
|wx2u0          Width dependence of x2u0                             |
|u1             VDS depence of mobility, velocity saturation         |
|lu1            Length dependence of u1                              |
|wu1            Width dependence of u1                               |
|x2u1           VBS depence of u1                                    |
|lx2u1          Length depence of x2u1                               |
|wx2u1          Width depence of x2u1                                |
|x3u1           VDS depence of u1                                    |
|lx3u1          Length dependence of x3u1                            |
|wx3u1          Width depence of x3u1                                |
|n0             Subthreshold slope                                   |
|ln0            Length dependence of n0                              |
|wn0            Width dependence of n0                               |
|nb             VBS dependence of subthreshold slope                 |
|lnb            Length dependence of nb                              |
|wnb            Width dependence of nb                               |
|nd             VDS dependence of subthreshold slope                 |
|lnd            Length dependence of nd                              |
|wnd            Width dependence of nd                               |
|tox            Gate oxide thickness in um                                 |
|temp           Temperature in degree Celcius                              |
|vdd            Supply voltage to specify mus                              |
|cgso           Gate source overlap capacitance per unit channel width(m)  |
|cgdo           Gate drain overlap capacitance per unit channel width(m)   |
|cgbo           Gate bulk overlap capacitance per unit channel length(m)   |
|xpart          Flag for channel charge partitioning                       |
|rsh            Source drain diffusion sheet resistance in ohm per square  |
|js             Source drain junction saturation current per unit area     |
|pb             Source drain junction built in potential                   |
 mj             Source drain bottom junction capacitance grading coefficient
|pbsw           Source drain side junction capacitance built in potential  |
|mjsw           Source drain side junction capacitance grading coefficient |
|cj             Source drain bottom junction capacitance per unit area     |
|cjsw           Source drain side junction capacitance per unit area       |
|wdf            Default width of source drain diffusion in um              |
|dell           Length reduction of source drain diffusion                 |

B.5 BSIM2: Berkeley Short Channel IGFET Model

|          BSIM2 - instance parameters (input-only)         |
| ic                Vector of DS,GS,BS initial voltages     |
|         BSIM2 - instance parameters (input-output)        |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Number of squares in drain              |
| nrs               Number of squares in source             |
| off               Device is initially off                 |
| vds               Initial D-S voltage                     |
| vgs               Initial G-S voltage                     |
| vbs               Initial B-S voltage                     |
|           BSIM2 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              Flag to indicate NMOS                   |
| pmos              Flag to indicate PMOS                   |
|          BSIM2 - model parameters (input-output)          |
|vfb             Flat band voltage                          |
|lvfb            Length dependence of vfb                   |
|wvfb            Width dependence of vfb                    |
|phi             Strong inversion surface potential         |
|lphi            Length dependence of phi                   |
|wphi            Width dependence of phi                    |
|k1              Bulk effect coefficient 1                  |
|lk1             Length dependence of k1                    |
|wk1             Width dependence of k1                     |
|k2              Bulk effect coefficient 2                  |
|lk2             Length dependence of k2                    |
|wk2             Width dependence of k2                     |
|eta0            VDS dependence of threshold voltage at VDD=0
|leta0           Length dependence of eta0                  |
|weta0           Width dependence of eta0                   |
|etab            VBS dependence of eta                      |
|letab           Length dependence of etab                  |
|wetab           Width dependence of etab                   |
|dl              Channel length reduction in um             |
|dw              Channel width reduction in um              |
|mu0             Low-field mobility, at VDS=0 VGS=VTH       |
|mu0b            VBS dependence of low-field mobility       |
|lmu0b           Length dependence of mu0b                  |
|wmu0b           Width dependence of mu0b                   |
|mus0            Mobility at VDS=VDD VGS=VTH                |
|lmus0           Length dependence of mus0                  |
|wmus0           Width dependence of mus                    |
|musb            VBS dependence of mus                      |
|lmusb           Length dependence of musb                  |
|wmusb           Width dependence of musb                   |
|mu20            VDS dependence of mu in tanh term          |
|lmu20           Length dependence of mu20                  |
|wmu20           Width dependence of mu20                   |
|mu2b            VBS dependence of mu2                      |
|lmu2b           Length dependence of mu2b                  |
|wmu2b           Width dependence of mu2b                   |
|mu2g            VGS dependence of mu2                      |
| lmu2g             Length dependence of mu2g               |
| wmu2g             Width dependence of mu2g                |
| mu30              VDS dependence of mu in linear term     |
| lmu30             Length dependence of mu30               |
| wmu30             Width dependence of mu30                |
| mu3b              VBS dependence of mu3                   |
| lmu3b             Length dependence of mu3b               |
| wmu3b             Width dependence of mu3b                |
| mu3g              VGS dependence of mu3                   |
| lmu3g             Length dependence of mu3g               |
| wmu3g             Width dependence of mu3g                |
| mu40              VDS dependence of mu in linear term     |
| lmu40             Length dependence of mu40               |
| wmu40             Width dependence of mu40                |
| mu4b              VBS dependence of mu4                   |
| lmu4b             Length dependence of mu4b               |
| wmu4b             Width dependence of mu4b                |
| mu4g              VGS dependence of mu4                   |
| lmu4g             Length dependence of mu4g               |
| wmu4g             Width dependence of mu4g                |
| ua0               Linear VGS dependence of mobility       |
| lua0              Length dependence of ua0                |
| wua0              Width dependence of ua0                 |
| uab               VBS dependence of ua                    |
| luab              Length dependence of uab                |
| wuab              Width dependence of uab                 |
| ub0               Quadratic VGS dependence of mobility    |
| lub0              Length dependence of ub0                |
| wub0              Width dependence of ub0                 |
| ubb               VBS dependence of ub                    |
| lubb              Length dependence of ubb                |
| wubb              Width dependence of ubb                 |
| u10               VDS depence of mobility                 |
| lu10              Length dependence of u10                |
  wu10              Width dependence of u10
| u1b               VBS depence of u1                       |
| lu1b              Length depence of u1b                   |
| wu1b              Width depence of u1b                    |
| u1d               VDS depence of u1                       |
| lu1d              Length depence of u1d                   |
| wu1d              Width depence of u1d                    |
| n0                Subthreshold slope at VDS=0 VBS=0       |
| ln0               Length dependence of n0                 |
|wn0            Width dependence of n0                                  |
|nb             VBS dependence of n                                     |
|lnb            Length dependence of nb                                 |
|wnb            Width dependence of nb                                  |
|nd             VDS dependence of n                                     |
|lnd            Length dependence of nd                                 |
|wnd            Width dependence of nd                                  |
|vof0           Threshold voltage offset AT VDS=0 VBS=0                 |
|lvof0          Length dependence of vof0                               |
|wvof0          Width dependence of vof0                                |
|vofb           VBS dependence of vof                                   |
|lvofb          Length dependence of vofb                               |
|wvofb          Width dependence of vofb                                |
|vofd           VDS dependence of vof                                   |
|lvofd          Length dependence of vofd                               |
|wvofd          Width dependence of vofd                                |
|ai0            Pre-factor of hot-electron effect.                      |
|lai0           Length dependence of ai0                                |
|wai0           Width dependence of ai0                                 |
|aib            VBS dependence of ai                                    |
|laib           Length dependence of aib                                |
|waib           Width dependence of aib                                 |
|bi0            Exponential factor of hot-electron effect.              |
|lbi0           Length dependence of bi0                                |
|wbi0           Width dependence of bi0                                 |
|bib            VBS dependence of bi                                    |
|lbib           Length dependence of bib                                |
|wbib           Width dependence of bib                                 |
|vghigh         Upper bound of the cubic spline function.               |
|lvghigh        Length dependence of vghigh                             |
|wvghigh        Width dependence of vghigh                              |
|vglow          Lower bound of the cubic spline function.               |
|lvglow         Length dependence of vglow                              |
|wvglow         Width dependence of vglow                               |
|tox            Gate oxide thickness in um                              |
|temp           Temperature in degree Celcius                           |
|vdd            Maximum Vds                                             |
|vgg            Maximum Vgs                                             |
|vbb            Maximum Vbs                                             |
|cgso           Gate source overlap capacitance per unit channel width(m)
|cgdo           Gate drain overlap capacitance per unit channel width(m)|
|cgbo           Gate bulk overlap capacitance per unit channel length(m)|
|xpart          Flag for channel charge partitioning                    |
|rsh            Source drain diffusion sheet resistance in ohm per square  |
|js             Source drain junction saturation current per unit area     |
|pb             Source drain junction built in potential                   |
 mj             Source drain bottom junction capacitance grading coefficient
|                                                                          |
|pbsw           Source drain side junction capacitance built in potential  |
|mjsw           Source drain side junction capacitance grading coefficient |
|cj             Source drain bottom junction capacitance per unit area     |
|cjsw           Source drain side junction capacitance per unit area       |
|wdf            Default width of source drain diffusion in um              |
|dell           Length reduction of source drain diffusion                 |

B.6 Capacitor: Fixed capacitor

|       Capacitor - instance parameters (input-output)      |
| capacitance       Device capacitance                      |
| ic                Initial capacitor voltage               |
| w                 Device width                            |
| l                 Device length                           |
|       Capacitor - instance parameters (output-only)       |
| i                 Device current                          |
| p                 Instantaneous device power              |
|         Capacitor - model parameters (input-only)         |
| c                 Capacitor model                         |
|        Capacitor - model parameters (input-output)        |
| cj                Bottom Capacitance per area             |
| cjsw              Sidewall capacitance per meter          |
| defw              Default width                           |
| narrow            width correction factor                 |

B.7 CCCS: Current controlled current source

|         CCCS - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| gain              Gain of source                          |
| control           Name of controlling source              |
|          CCCS - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
| i                 CCCS output current                     |
| v                 CCCS voltage at output                  |
| p                 CCCS power                              |

B.8 CCVS: Linear current controlled current source

|         CCVS - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| gain              Transresistance (gain)                  |
| control           Controlling voltage source              |
|          CCVS - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| i                 CCVS output current                     |
| v                 CCVS output voltage                     |
| p                 CCVS power                              |

B.9 CSwitch: Current controlled ideal switch

|         CSwitch - instance parameters (input-only)        |
| on                Initially closed                        |
| off               Initially open                          |
|        CSwitch - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| control           Name of controlling source              |
|        CSwitch - instance parameters (output-only)        |
| pos_node          Positive node of switch                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of switch                 |
| i                 Switch current                          |
| p                 Instantaneous power                     |
|         CSwitch - model parameters (input-output)         |
| csw               Current controlled switch model         |
| it                Threshold current                       |
| ih                Hysterisis current                      |
| ron               Closed resistance                       |
| roff              Open resistance                         |
|          CSwitch - model parameters (output-only)         |
| gon               Closed conductance                      |
| goff              Open conductance                        |

B.10 Diode: Junction Diode model

|         Diode - instance parameters (input-output)        |
| off               Initially off                           |
| temp              Instance temperature                    |
| ic                Initial device voltage                  |
| area              Area factor                             |
|         Diode - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| vd                Diode voltage                           |
| id                Diode current                           |
| c                 Diode current                           |
| gd                Diode conductance                       |
| cd                Diode capacitance                       |
| charge            Diode capacitor charge                  |
| capcur            Diode capacitor current                 |
| p                 Diode power                             |
|           Diode - model parameters (input-only)           |
| d                 Diode model                             |
|          Diode - model parameters (input-output)          |
| is                Saturation current                      |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
| rs                Ohmic resistance                        |
| n                 Emission Coefficient                    |
| tt                Transit Time                            |
| cjo               Junction capacitance                    |
| cj0               (null)                                  |
| vj                Junction potential                      |
| m                 Grading coefficient                     |
| eg                Activation energy                       |
| xti               Saturation current temperature exp.     |
| kf                flicker noise coefficient               |
| af                flicker noise exponent                  |
| fc                Forward bias junction fit parameter     |
| bv                Reverse breakdown voltage               |
| ibv               Current at reverse breakdown voltage    |
|           Diode - model parameters (output-only)          |
| cond              Ohmic conductance                       |

B.11 Inductor: Inductors

|       Inductor - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| inductance        Inductance of inductor                  |
| ic                Initial current through inductor        |
|        Inductor - instance parameters (output-only)        |
|flux           Flux through inductor                        |
|v              Terminal voltage of inductor                 |
|volt                                                        |
|i              Current through the inductor                 |
|current                                                     |
| p              instantaneous power dissipated by the inductor |
|                                                            |

B.12 mutual: Mutual inductors

|        mutual - instance parameters (input-output)        |
| k                 Mutual inductance                       |
| coefficient       (null)                                  |
| inductor1         First coupled inductor                  |
| inductor2         Second coupled inductor                 |

B.13 Isource: Independent current source

|         Isource - instance parameters (input-only)        |
| pulse             Pulse description                       |
| sine              Sinusoidal source description           |
| sin               Sinusoidal source description           |
| exp               Exponential source description          |
| pwl               Piecewise linear description            |
| sffm              single freq. FM description             |
| ac                AC magnitude,phase vector               |
| c                 Current through current source          |
| distof1           f1 input for distortion                 |
| distof2           f2 input for distortion                 |
|        Isource - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| dc                DC value of source                      |
| acmag             AC magnitude                            |
| acphase           AC phase                                |
|        Isource - instance parameters (output-only)        |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
  acreal            AC real part
| acimag            AC imaginary part                       |
| function          Function of the source                  |
| order             Order of the source function            |
| coeffs            Coefficients of the source              |
| v                 Voltage across the supply               |
| p                 Power supplied by the source            |

B.14 JFET: Junction Field effect transistor

|         JFET - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| off               Device initially off                    |
| ic                Initial VDS,VGS vector                  |
| area              Area factor                             |
| ic-vds            Initial D-S voltage                     |
| ic-vgs            Initial G-S volrage                     |
| temp              Instance temperature                    |
|           JFET - instance parameters (output-only)           |
|drain-node       Number of drain node                         |
|gate-node        Number of gate node                          |
|source-node      Number of source node                        |
|drain-prime-node Internal drain node                          |
|source-prime-nodeInternal source node                         |
|vgs              Voltage G-S                                  |
|vgd              Voltage G-D                                  |
|ig               Current at gate node                         |
|id               Current at drain node                        |
|is               Source current                               |
|igd              Current G-D                                  |
|gm               Transconductance                             |
|gds              Conductance D-S                              |
|ggs              Conductance G-S                              |
|ggd              Conductance G-D                              |
|qgs              Charge storage G-S junction                  |
|qgd              Charge storage G-D junction                  |
 cqgs             Capacitance due to charge storage G-S junction
|                                                              |
 cqgd             Capacitance due to charge storage G-D junction
|p                Power dissipated by the JFET                 |
|           JFET - model parameters (input-output)          |
| njf               N type JFET model                       |
| pjf               P type JFET model                       |
| vt0               Threshold voltage                       |
| vto               (null)                                  |
| beta              Transconductance parameter              |
| lambda            Channel length modulation param.        |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cgs               G-S junction capactance                 |
| cgd               G-D junction cap                        |
| pb                Gate junction potential                 |
| is                Gate junction saturation current        |
| fc                Forward bias junction fit parm.         |
| b                 Doping tail parameter                   |
| tnom              parameter measurement temperature       |
| kf                Flicker Noise Coefficient               |
| af                Flicker Noise Exponent                  |

|           JFET - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-type or P-type JFET model             |
| gd                Drain conductance                       |
| gs                Source conductance                      |

B15 LTRA: Lossy transmission line

|          LTRA - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| ic                Initial condition vector:v1,i1,v2,i2    |

|         LTRA - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| v1                Initial voltage at end 1                |
| v2                Initial voltage at end 2                |
| i1                Initial current at end 1                |
| i2                Initial current at end 2                |

|          LTRA - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| pos_node1         Positive node of end 1 of t-line        |
| neg_node1         Negative node of end 1 of t.line        |
| pos_node2         Positive node of end 2 of t-line        |
| neg_node2         Negative node of end 2 of t-line        |

|           LTRA - model parameters (input-output)          |
|ltra            LTRA model                                 |
|r               Resistance per metre                       |
|l               Inductance per metre                       |
|g               (null)                                     |
|c               Capacitance per metre                      |
|len             length of line                             |
|nocontrol       No timestep control                        |
|steplimit       always limit timestep to 0.8*(delay of line)
|                         continued                |

|                 LTRA - model input-output parameters - continued        |
|nosteplimit    don't always limit timestep to 0.8*(delay of line)                 |
|lininterp      use linear interpolation                                           |
|quadinterp     use quadratic interpolation                                        |
|mixedinterp    use linear interpolation if quadratic results look unacceptable    |
|truncnr        use N-R iterations for step calculation in LTRAtrunc               |
|truncdontcut   don't limit timestep to keep impulse response calculation errors low
|compactrel     special reltol for straight line checking                          |
|compactabs     special abstol for straight line checking                          |

|           LTRA - model parameters (output-only)           |
| rel               Rel. rate of change of deriv. for bkpt  |
| abs               Abs. rate of change of deriv. for bkpt  |

B.16 MES: GaAs MESFET model

|          MES - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| area              Area factor                             |
| icvds             Initial D-S voltage                     |
| icvgs             Initial G-S voltage                     |
|          MES - instance parameters (output-only)          |
|off            Device initially off                        |
|dnode          Number of drain node                        |
|gnode          Number of gate node                         |
|snode          Number of source node                       |
|dprimenode     Number of internal drain node               |
|sprimenode     Number of internal source node              |
|vgs            Gate-Source voltage                         |
|vgd            Gate-Drain voltage                          |
|cg             Gate capacitance                            |
|cd             Drain capacitance                           |
|cgd            Gate-Drain capacitance                      |
|gm             Transconductance                            |
|gds            Drain-Source conductance                    |
|ggs            Gate-Source conductance                     |
|ggd            Gate-Drain conductance                      |
|cqgs           Capacitance due to gate-source charge storage
|cqgd           Capacitance due to gate-drain charge storage|
|qgs            Gate-Source charge storage                  |
|qgd            Gate-Drain charge storage                   |
|is             Source current                              |
| p                 Power dissipated by the mesfet          |
|            MES - model parameters (input-only)            |
| nmf               N type MESfet model                     |
| pmf               P type MESfet model                     |
|           MES - model parameters (input-output)           |
| vt0               Pinch-off voltage                       |
| vto               (null)                                  |
| alpha             Saturation voltage parameter            |
| beta              Transconductance parameter              |
| lambda            Channel length modulation parm.         |
| b                 Doping tail extending parameter         |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cgs               G-S junction capacitance                |
| cgd               G-D junction capacitance                |
| pb                Gate junction potential                 |
| is                Junction saturation current             |
| fc                Forward bias junction fit parm.         |
| kf                Flicker noise coefficient               |
| af                Flicker noise exponent                  |
|            MES - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-type or P-type MESfet model           |
| gd                Drain conductance                       |
| gs                Source conductance                      |
| depl_cap          Depletion capacitance                   |
| vcrit             Critical voltage                        |

B.17 Mos1: Level 1 MOSfet model with Meyer capacitance model

|          Mos1 - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| off               Device initially off                    |
| ic                Vector of D-S, G-S, B-S voltages        |
|         Mos1 - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Drain squares                           |
| nrs               Source squares                          |
| icvds             Initial D-S voltage                     |
| icvgs             Initial G-S voltage                     |
| icvbs             Initial B-S voltage                     |
| temp              Instance temperature                    |
|          Mos1 - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| id                Drain current                           |
| is                Source current                          |
| ig                Gate current                            |
| ib                Bulk current                            |
| ibd               B-D junction current                    |
| ibs               B-S junction current                    |
| vgs               Gate-Source voltage                     |
| vds               Drain-Source voltage                    |
| vbs               Bulk-Source voltage                     |
| vbd               Bulk-Drain voltage                      |
| dnode             Number of the drain node                |
| gnode             Number of the gate node                 |
| snode             Number of the source node               |
| bnode             Number of the node                      |
| dnodeprime        Number of int. drain node               |
| snodeprime        Number of int. source node              |
| von                                                       |
| vdsat             Saturation drain voltage                |
| sourcevcrit       Critical source voltage                 |
| drainvcrit        Critical drain voltage                  |
| rs                Source resistance                       |
|sourceconductance  Conductance of source                   |
|rd                 Drain conductance                       |
|drainconductance   Conductance of drain                    |
|gm                 Transconductance                        |
|gds              Drain-Source conductance                    |
|gmb              Bulk-Source transconductance                |
|gmbs                                                         |
|gbd              Bulk-Drain conductance                      |
|gbs              Bulk-Source conductance                     |
|cbd              Bulk-Drain capacitance                      |
|cbs              Bulk-Source capacitance                     |
|cgs              Gate-Source capacitance                     |
|cgd              Gate-Drain capacitance                      |
|cgb              Gate-Bulk capacitance                       |
|cqgs             Capacitance due to gate-source charge storage
|cqgd             Capacitance due to gate-drain charge storage|
|cqgb             Capacitance due to gate-bulk charge storage |
|cqbd             Capacitance due to bulk-drain charge storage|
 cqbs             Capacitance due to bulk-source charge storage
|cbd0             Zero-Bias B-D junction capacitance          |
|cbdsw0                                                       |
|cbs0             Zero-Bias B-S junction capacitance          |
|cbssw0                                                       |
|qgs              Gate-Source charge storage                  |
|qgd              Gate-Drain charge storage                   |
|qgb              Gate-Bulk charge storage                    |
|qbd              Bulk-Drain charge storage                   |
|qbs              Bulk-Source charge storage                  |
|p                Instaneous power                            |
|            Mos1 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              N type MOSfet model                     |
| pmos              P type MOSfet model                     |
|           Mos1 - model parameters (input-output)          |
| vto               Threshold voltage                       |
| vt0               (null)                                  |
| kp                Transconductance parameter              |
| gamma             Bulk threshold parameter                |
| phi               Surface potential                       |
| lambda            Channel length modulation               |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cbd               B-D junction capacitance                |
| cbs               B-S junction capacitance                |
| is                Bulk junction sat. current              |
| pb                Bulk junction potential                 |
| cgso              Gate-source overlap cap.                |
| cgdo              Gate-drain overlap cap.                 |
| cgbo              Gate-bulk overlap cap.                  |
| rsh               Sheet resistance                        |
| cj                Bottom junction cap per area            |
| mj                Bottom grading coefficient              |
| cjsw              Side junction cap per area              |
| mjsw              Side grading coefficient                |
| js                Bulk jct. sat. current density          |
| tox               Oxide thickness                         |
| ld                Lateral diffusion                       |
| u0                Surface mobility                        |
| uo                (null)                                  |
| fc                Forward bias jct. fit parm.             |
| nsub              Substrate doping                        |
| tpg               Gate type                               |
| nss               Surface state density                   |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
| kf                Flicker noise coefficient               |
| af                Flicker noise exponent                  |
|           Mos1 - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-channel or P-channel MOS              |

B.18 Mos2: Level 2 MOSfet model with Meyer capacitance model

|          Mos2 - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| off               Device initially off                    |
| ic                Vector of D-S, G-S, B-S voltages        |

|         Mos2 - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Drain squares                           |
| nrs               Source squares                          |
| icvds             Initial D-S voltage                     |
| icvgs             Initial G-S voltage                     |
| icvbs             Initial B-S voltage                     |
| temp              Instance operating temperature          |
|          Mos2 - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| id                Drain current                           |
| cd                                                        |
| ibd               B-D junction current                    |
| ibs               B-S junction current                    |
| is                Source current                          |
| ig                Gate current                            |
| ib                Bulk current                            |
| vgs               Gate-Source voltage                     |
| vds               Drain-Source voltage                    |
| vbs               Bulk-Source voltage                     |
| vbd               Bulk-Drain voltage                      |
| dnode             Number of drain node                    |
| gnode             Number of gate node                     |
| snode             Number of source node                   |
| bnode             Number of bulk node                     |
| dnodeprime        Number of internal drain node           |
| snodeprime        Number of internal source node          |
| von                                                       |
| vdsat             Saturation drain voltage                |
| sourcevcrit       Critical source voltage                 |
| drainvcrit        Critical drain voltage                  |
|rs               Source resistance                         |
|sourceconductanceSource conductance                        |
|rd               Drain resistance                          |
|drainconductance Drain conductance                         |
|gm               Transconductance                            |
|gds              Drain-Source conductance                    |
|gmb              Bulk-Source transconductance                |
|gmbs                                                         |
|gbd              Bulk-Drain conductance                      |
|gbs              Bulk-Source conductance                     |
|cbd              Bulk-Drain capacitance                      |
|cbs              Bulk-Source capacitance                     |
|cgs              Gate-Source capacitance                     |
|cgd              Gate-Drain capacitance                      |
|cgb              Gate-Bulk capacitance                       |
|cbd0             Zero-Bias B-D junction capacitance          |
|cbdsw0                                                       |
|cbs0             Zero-Bias B-S junction capacitance          |
|cbssw0                                                       |
|cqgs             Capacitance due to gate-source charge storage |
|                                                             |
|cqgd             Capacitance due to gate-drain charge storage|
|cqgb             Capacitance due to gate-bulk charge storage |
|cqbd             Capacitance due to bulk-drain charge storage|
|cqbs             Capacitance due to bulk-source charge storage
|qgs              Gate-Source charge storage                  |
|qgd              Gate-Drain charge storage                   |
|qgb              Gate-Bulk charge storage                    |
|qbd              Bulk-Drain charge storage                   |
|qbs              Bulk-Source charge storage                  |
|p                Instantaneous power                         |
|            Mos2 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              N type MOSfet model                     |
| pmos              P type MOSfet model                     |
|           Mos2 - model parameters (input-output)          |
| vto               Threshold voltage                       |
| vt0               (null)                                  |
| kp                Transconductance parameter              |
| gamma             Bulk threshold parameter                |
| phi               Surface potential                       |
| lambda            Channel length modulation               |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cbd               B-D junction capacitance                |
| cbs               B-S junction capacitance                |
| is                Bulk junction sat. current              |
| pb                Bulk junction potential                 |
| cgso              Gate-source overlap cap.                |
| cgdo              Gate-drain overlap cap.                 |
| cgbo              Gate-bulk overlap cap.                  |
| rsh               Sheet resistance                        |
| cj                Bottom junction cap per area            |
| mj                Bottom grading coefficient              |
| cjsw              Side junction cap per area              |
| mjsw              Side grading coefficient                |
| js                Bulk jct. sat. current density          |
| tox               Oxide thickness                         |
| ld                Lateral diffusion                       |
| u0                Surface mobility                        |
| uo                (null)                                  |
| fc                Forward bias jct. fit parm.             |
| nsub              Substrate doping                        |
| tpg               Gate type                               |
| nss               Surface state density                   |
| delta             Width effect on threshold               |
| uexp              Crit. field exp for mob. deg.           |
| ucrit             Crit. field for mob. degradation        |
| vmax              Maximum carrier drift velocity          |
| xj                Junction depth                          |
| neff              Total channel charge coeff.             |
| nfs               Fast surface state density              |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
| kf                Flicker noise coefficient               |
| af                Flicker noise exponent                  |
|           Mos2 - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-channel or P-channel MOS              |

B.19 Mos3: Level 3 MOSfet model with Meyer capacitance model

|          Mos3 - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| off               Device initially off                    |

|         Mos3 - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Drain squares                           |
| nrs               Source squares                          |
| icvds             Initial D-S voltage                     |
| icvgs             Initial G-S voltage                     |
| icvbs             Initial B-S voltage                     |
| ic                Vector of D-S, G-S, B-S voltages        |
| temp              Instance operating temperature          |

|          Mos3 - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| id                Drain current                           |
| cd                Drain current                           |
| ibd               B-D junction current                    |
| ibs               B-S junction current                    |
| is                Source current                          |
| ig                Gate current                            |
| ib                Bulk current                            |
| vgs               Gate-Source voltage                     |
| vds               Drain-Source voltage                    |
| vbs               Bulk-Source voltage                     |
| vbd               Bulk-Drain voltage                      |
| dnode             Number of drain node                    |
| gnode             Number of gate node                     |
| snode             Number of source node                   |
| bnode             Number of bulk node                     |
| dnodeprime        Number of internal drain node           |
| snodeprime        Number of internal source node          |
|                         continued                |

|      Mos3 - instance output-only parameters - continued
|von              Turn-on voltage                             |
|vdsat            Saturation drain voltage                    |
|sourcevcrit      Critical source voltage                     |
|drainvcrit       Critical drain voltage                      |
|rs               Source resistance                           |
|sourceconductanceSource conductance                          |
|rd               Drain resistance                            |
|drainconductance Drain conductance                           |
|gm               Transconductance                            |
|gds              Drain-Source conductance                    |
|gmb              Bulk-Source transconductance                |
|gmbs             Bulk-Source transconductance                |
|gbd              Bulk-Drain conductance                      |
|gbs              Bulk-Source conductance                     |
|cbd              Bulk-Drain capacitance                      |
|cbs              Bulk-Source capacitance                     |
|cgs              Gate-Source capacitance                     |
|cgd              Gate-Drain capacitance                      |
|cgb              Gate-Bulk capacitance                       |
 cqgs             Capacitance due to gate-source charge storage
|                                                             |
|cqgd             Capacitance due to gate-drain charge storage|
|cqgb             Capacitance due to gate-bulk charge storage |
|cqbd             Capacitance due to bulk-drain charge storage|
|cqbs             Capacitance due to bulk-source charge storage
|cbd0             Zero-Bias B-D junction capacitance          |
|cbdsw0           Zero-Bias B-D sidewall capacitance          |
|cbs0             Zero-Bias B-S junction capacitance          |
|cbssw0           Zero-Bias B-S sidewall capacitance          |
|qbs              Bulk-Source charge storage                  |
|qgs              Gate-Source charge storage                  |
|qgd              Gate-Drain charge storage                   |
|qgb              Gate-Bulk charge storage                    |
|qbd              Bulk-Drain charge storage                   |
|p                Instantaneous power                         |

|            Mos3 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              N type MOSfet model                     |
| pmos              P type MOSfet model                     |

|           Mos3 - model parameters (input-output)          |
| vto               Threshold voltage                       |
| vt0               (null)                                  |
| kp                Transconductance parameter              |
| gamma             Bulk threshold parameter                |
| phi               Surface potential                       |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cbd               B-D junction capacitance                |
| cbs               B-S junction capacitance                |
| is                Bulk junction sat. current              |
| pb                Bulk junction potential                 |
| cgso              Gate-source overlap cap.                |
| cgdo              Gate-drain overlap cap.                 |
| cgbo              Gate-bulk overlap cap.                  |
| rsh               Sheet resistance                        |
| cj                Bottom junction cap per area            |
| mj                Bottom grading coefficient              |
| cjsw              Side junction cap per area              |
| mjsw              Side grading coefficient                |
| js                Bulk jct. sat. current density          |
| tox               Oxide thickness                         |
| ld                Lateral diffusion                       |
| u0                Surface mobility                        |
| uo                (null)                                  |
| fc                Forward bias jct. fit parm.             |
| nsub              Substrate doping                        |
| tpg               Gate type                               |
| nss               Surface state density                   |
| vmax              Maximum carrier drift velocity          |
| xj                Junction depth                          |
| nfs               Fast surface state density              |
| xd                Depletion layer width                   |
| alpha             Alpha                                   |
| eta               Vds dependence of threshold voltage     |
| delta             Width effect on threshold               |
| input_delta       (null)                                  |
| theta             Vgs dependence on mobility              |
| kappa             Kappa                                   |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
| kf                Flicker noise coefficient               |
| af                Flicker noise exponent                  |

|           Mos3 - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-channel or P-channel MOS              |

B.20 Mos6: Level 6 MOSfet model with Meyer capacitance model

|          Mos6 - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| off               Device initially off                    |
| ic                Vector of D-S, G-S, B-S voltages        |
|         Mos6 - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
| ad                Drain area                              |
| as                Source area                             |
| pd                Drain perimeter                         |
| ps                Source perimeter                        |
| nrd               Drain squares                           |
| nrs               Source squares                          |
| icvds             Initial D-S voltage                     |
| icvgs             Initial G-S voltage                     |
| icvbs             Initial B-S voltage                     |
| temp              Instance temperature                    |
|          Mos6 - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| id                Drain current                           |
| cd                Drain current                           |
| is                Source current                          |
| ig                Gate current                            |
| ib                Bulk current                            |
| ibs               B-S junction capacitance                |
| ibd               B-D junction capacitance                |
| vgs               Gate-Source voltage                     |
| vds               Drain-Source voltage                    |
| vbs               Bulk-Source voltage                     |
| vbd               Bulk-Drain voltage                      |
| dnode             Number of the drain node                |
| gnode             Number of the gate node                 |
| snode             Number of the source node               |
| bnode             Number of the node                      |
| dnodeprime        Number of int. drain node               |
| snodeprime        Number of int. source node              |
|rs               Source resistance                           |
|sourceconductanceSource conductance                          |
|rd               Drain resistance                            |
|drainconductance Drain conductance                           |
|von              Turn-on voltage                             |
|vdsat            Saturation drain voltage                    |
|sourcevcrit      Critical source voltage                     |
|drainvcrit       Critical drain voltage                      |
|gmbs             Bulk-Source transconductance                |
|gm               Transconductance                            |
|gds              Drain-Source conductance                    |
|gbd              Bulk-Drain conductance                      |
|gbs              Bulk-Source conductance                     |
|cgs              Gate-Source capacitance                     |
|cgd              Gate-Drain capacitance                      |
|cgb              Gate-Bulk capacitance                       |
|cbd              Bulk-Drain capacitance                      |
|cbs              Bulk-Source capacitance                     |
|cbd0             Zero-Bias B-D junction capacitance          |
|cbdsw0                                                       |
|cbs0             Zero-Bias B-S junction capacitance          |
|cbssw0                                                       |
|cqgs             Capacitance due to gate-source charge storage
|cqgd             Capacitance due to gate-drain charge storage|
|cqgb             Capacitance due to gate-bulk charge storage |
|cqbd             Capacitance due to bulk-drain charge storage|
 cqbs             Capacitance due to bulk-source charge storage
|qgs              Gate-Source charge storage                  |
|qgd              Gate-Drain charge storage                   |
|qgb              Gate-Bulk charge storage                    |
|qbd              Bulk-Drain charge storage                   |
|qbs              Bulk-Source charge storage                  |
|p                Instaneous power                            |

|            Mos6 - model parameters (input-only)           |
| nmos              N type MOSfet model                     |
| pmos              P type MOSfet model                     |

|           Mos6 - model parameters (input-output)          |
| vto               Threshold voltage                       |
| vt0               (null)                                  |
| kv                Saturation voltage factor               |
| nv                Saturation voltage coeff.               |
| kc                Saturation current factor               |
| nc                Saturation current coeff.               |
| nvth              Threshold voltage coeff.                |
| ps                Sat. current modification  par.         |
| gamma             Bulk threshold parameter                |
| gamma1            Bulk threshold parameter 1              |
| sigma             Static feedback effect par.             |
| phi               Surface potential                       |
| lambda            Channel length modulation param.        |
| lambda0           Channel length modulation param. 0      |
| lambda1           Channel length modulation param. 1      |
| rd                Drain ohmic resistance                  |
| rs                Source ohmic resistance                 |
| cbd               B-D junction capacitance                |
| cbs               B-S junction capacitance                |
| is                Bulk junction sat. current              |
| pb                Bulk junction potential                 |
| cgso              Gate-source overlap cap.                |
| cgdo              Gate-drain overlap cap.                 |
| cgbo              Gate-bulk overlap cap.                  |
| rsh               Sheet resistance                        |
| cj                Bottom junction cap per area            |
| mj                Bottom grading coefficient              |
| cjsw              Side junction cap per area              |
| mjsw              Side grading coefficient                |
| js                Bulk jct. sat. current density          |
| ld                Lateral diffusion                       |
| tox               Oxide thickness                         |
| u0                Surface mobility                        |
| uo                (null)                                  |
| fc                Forward bias jct. fit parm.             |
| tpg               Gate type                               |
| nsub              Substrate doping                        |
| nss               Surface state density                   |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |
|           Mos6 - model parameters (output-only)           |
| type              N-channel or P-channel MOS              |

B.12 Resistor: Simple linear resistor

|       Resistor - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| resistance        Resistance                              |
| temp              Instance operating temperature          |
| l                 Length                                  |
| w                 Width                                   |
|        Resistor - instance parameters (output-only)       |
| i                 Current                                 |
| p                 Power                                   |
|          Resistor - model parameters (input-only)         |
| r                 Device is a resistor model              |
|         Resistor - model parameters (input-output)        |
| rsh               Sheet resistance                        |
| narrow            Narrowing of resistor                   |
| tc1               First order temp. coefficient           |
| tc2               Second order temp. coefficient          |
| defw              Default device width                    |
| tnom              Parameter measurement temperature       |

Switch: Ideal voltage controlled switch

 B.22.  Switch:  Ideal voltage controlled switch
|         Switch - instance parameters (input-only)         |
| on                Switch initially closed                 |
| off               Switch initially open                   |
|        Switch - instance parameters (input-output)        |
| pos_node          Positive node of switch                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of switch                 |
|         Switch - instance parameters (output-only)        |
| cont_p_node       Positive contr. node of switch          |
| cont_n_node       Positive contr. node of switch          |
| i                 Switch current                          |
| p                 Switch power                            |
|          Switch - model parameters (input-output)         |
| sw                Switch model                            |
| vt                Threshold voltage                       |
| vh                Hysteresis voltage                      |
| ron               Resistance when closed                  |
| roff              Resistance when open                    |
|          Switch - model parameters (output-only)          |
| gon               Conductance when closed                 |
| goff              Conductance when open                   |

Tranline: Lossless transmission line

 B.23.  Tranline:  Lossless transmission line
|        Tranline - instance parameters (input-only)        |
| ic                Initial condition vector:v1,i1,v2,i2    |
|       Tranline - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| z0                Characteristic impedance                |
| zo                (null)                                  |
| f                 Frequency                               |
| td                Transmission delay                      |
| nl                Normalized length at frequency given    |
| v1                Initial voltage at end 1                |
| v2                Initial voltage at end 2                |
| i1                Initial current at end 1                |
| i2                Initial current at end 2                |
|        Tranline - instance parameters (output-only)       |
| rel               Rel. rate of change of deriv. for bkpt  |
| abs               Abs. rate of change of deriv. for bkpt  |
| pos_node1         Positive node of end 1 of t. line       |
| neg_node1         Negative node of end 1 of t. line       |
| pos_node2         Positive node of end 2 of t. line       |
| neg_node2         Negative node of end 2 of t. line       |
| delays            Delayed values of excitation            |

VCCS: Voltage controlled current source

 B.24.  VCCS:  Voltage controlled current source
|          VCCS - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| ic                Initial condition of controlling source |
|         VCCS - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| gain              Transconductance of source (gain)       |
|          VCCS - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| cont_p_node       Positive node of contr. source          |
| cont_n_node       Negative node of contr. source          |
| i                 Output current                          |
| v                 Voltage across output                   |
| p                 Power                                   |

VCVS: Voltage controlled voltage source

 B.25.  VCVS:  Voltage controlled voltage source
|          VCVS - instance parameters (input-only)          |
| ic                Initial condition of controlling source |
|         VCVS - instance parameters (input-output)         |
| gain              Voltage gain                            |
|          VCVS - instance parameters (output-only)         |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| cont_p_node       Positive node of contr. source          |
  cont_n_node       Negative node of contr. source
| i                 Output current                          |
| v                 Output voltage                          |
| p                 Power                                   |

Vsource: Independent voltage source

 B.26.  Vsource:  Independent voltage source
|         Vsource - instance parameters (input-only)        |
| pulse             Pulse description                       |
| sine              Sinusoidal source description           |
| sin               Sinusoidal source description           |
| exp               Exponential source description          |
| pwl               Piecewise linear description            |
| sffm              Single freq. FM descripton              |
| ac                AC magnitude, phase vector              |
| distof1           f1 input for distortion                 |
| distof2           f2 input for distortion                 |
|        Vsource - instance parameters (input-output)       |
| dc                D.C. source value                       |
| acmag             A.C. Magnitude                          |
| acphase           A.C. Phase                              |
|        Vsource - instance parameters (output-only)        |
| pos_node          Positive node of source                 |
| neg_node          Negative node of source                 |
| function          Function of the source                  |
| order             Order of the source function            |
| coeffs            Coefficients for the function           |
| acreal            AC real part                            |
| acimag            AC imaginary part                       |
| i                 Voltage source current                  |
| p                 Instantaneous power                     |